Sunday, February 7, 2010


i had a blast with mummy & honey today. it took me quite awhile to switch on my computer,afterall i need to puff since i didn't have any for the whole day. when i first checked my Facebook,never fail,that your name would appear first on News Feed. no,nothing bad about it actually. but what've been written on your post simply,irritates me? for real. i knw you're a nice guy but man,you got to cut the crap. say,it's too exaggerating? the way you express your thoughts & feelings just so.. over? & say,you're too fanatic? gosh. stg to laugh abt & get irritated at the very same time. again,cut the crap & don't put too much pressure on yourself. how to impress her,how to make her think that I'm sweet. because when you put pressure on yourself,dude,you're trying too hard.

i love you,Aidil Jamaludin. the guy who had 5 cans of Redbull last night. -.-

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